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10:00 PM22:00

Benefits Counseling: Everything You Need to Know About 2022

Session Description: This presentation is open to any social service agency staff, state employees, self-advocates, or individuals interested in how work may impact benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid, &/or Medicare. Participants will be provided:

  • A brief overview of the types of Social Security entitlement programs.

  • Important numbers for 2022: SSA, Medicare, etc.

  • A list of Federal (SSA), State, and local work incentives available to beneficiaries.

  • A list of resources you can provide to individuals who need assistance

Presenter: Indiana Works

Presenter Bio: Indiana Works, a division of Aspire Indiana Health, Inc. is a FREE Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Project, funded in part by Social Security, for individuals who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  Indiana Works goal is to provide timely and accurate information to beneficiaries to determine the effect that employment earnings will have on their benefits and identify the many work incentives/ resources available to beneficiaries to help them in their work journey.

Cost: Free

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10:00 PM22:00

The New Norm: Indiana Panel Discussion

Panel Members:

Kristina M. Blankenship, Director of Business & Community Engagement at the State of Indiana

MaryEllen Jones, Associate Director of Community Employment at Stone Belt

Brianna Morse, Director of Youth Initiatives, Department of Workforce Development

Brian Norton, ATP, CEAS, Director of Assistive Technology at Easterseals Crossroads

Eve Pressnell-Moore, Director of Employment Services at Gateway Services

10:00 am - 11:30 am


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