Provides advocacy and education to customers of supported employment (SE), i.e. supported employment professionals, consumers and their family members, and supported employers.
Addresses issues and barriers which impede the growth and implementation of integrated employment services.
Improves supported employment (SE) practice so that individuals and communities experience SE as a quality service with meaningful outcomes.
Promotes national, state, and local policy development which enhances the social and economic inclusion and empowerment of all persons experiencing severe disabilities.
Educates the public and the business community on the value of including persons experiencing severe disabilities as fully participating community members.

Be a Part of Advancing Employment First!
Businesses, policy makers, citizens with disabilities and their families, supported employment and rehabilitation professionals, and educators – APSE wants you! APSE members are the foundation of advocacy for integrated employment. There truly is strength in numbers at local, regional, state-wide and national levels.
Take a Stand
Join an exciting and growing national movement advancing equitable employment for individuals with disabilities.
Effect Change
Play your part in creating change in public policy to ensure equitable employment for individuals with disabilities.
Stay on the Cutting Edge
Access state-of-the-art concepts and practices in expanding equitable employment for individuals with disabilities.
Make a Difference
Self advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities to meaningful employment and competitive salaries.
Learn from Others
Join a growing network of like-minded, forward thinking people concerned about equitable employment for individuals with disabilities.
Contact Us
Interested in the work we do, questions about our resources, or want to be involved? Just reach out and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for renewing or expressing your interest in a new APSE membership! We truly cannot do it without you!

We Support
Employment First Public Policy
IN-APSE Statement on Employment First:
“Employment First is integrated community employment at competitive wages as the first and preferred outcome for ALL people with disabilities.”
people without
disabilities employed
There is a high employment rate for individuals who do not identify as having a disability. Unfortunately, the difference between individuals with disabilities and those without is staggering.
working age people with disabilities employed
There are a remarkable amount of people with disabilities that are not employed. Changing this percentage is a huge goal for IN-APSE and the State of Indiana.
people with disabilities unemployed (all disabilities, ages 18-64)
There are so many individuals with disabilities that have the skills, talents, and experience needed to be successful but are being overlooked.
Notes: Employment percentages account for only those individuals 18 years or older who are classified members of the labor force. 2017* Source: U.S. Census Bureau-Fact Finder | StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes
Board Members