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Meet Kris -

Kris started working for the local McDonald’s in December 2015 as a lobby attendant. Kris’ outgoing personality is a perfect fit for greeting and interacting with customers as he cleans and maintains the lobby. Kris has become a very valuable member of the team and has been one of the inspirations for the restaurant to expand the position as they prepare to move to a new location. Kris’ performance may be responsible for 2 new jobs in the new building. Kris not only has excelled at his job, but working has given Kris the self-confidence to try other new things. After starting work, Kris learned the public bus system and now has the ability to get to and from work independently on a daily basis. Kris demonstrates the positive impact that employment can have not only on one’s self, but on others as well.

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Meet Diana -

Diana landed her job at Sodexo Food Services at the University of Southern Indiana in December, 2012. Since that time she has endeared herself to both her supervisors and her co-workers. She greets everyone she meets with a smile and a warm hello. She has earned herself the nickname of “Smiley”, which she loves. But don’t let her cheerful nature fool you, because once she is on the clock she is a whirlwind of motion. She works in the dish washing area, and thru the years she has really learned her routine. She is in constant motion and is one of the fastest workers you’ll ever meet. But quality is foremost on her mind, and she makes sure every item she handles is completely clean before she returns it for use. She is so valuable to the Sodexo team, that in March 2017 she was named the Sodexo Employee of the Year!  Diana is the perfect example of what an employee and a coworker should be.    


Meet Leslie -

Leslie was chosen as a Coffee Cart Attendant for the Rolling Bean Coffee Cart in April of 2015. Leslie’s outlook on life and her love of people have helped her take on greater responsibilities in her position. Leslie’s experience has opened up the opportunity for her to go beyond daily customer service to managing inventory levels and supplies, assisting with menu selection, and operating a second concession at an offsite location. Leslie’s care for her customers and co-workers comes through in everything she does. Her peers look to her as more than just a co-worker, but as a valuable mentor and friend. Leslie’s continued success shows what can happen when someone is given the right opportunity and the freedom to shine.

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Meet Jason -

Jason W. worked for several years doing data entry and lost his job when the company relocated. Jason went back to VR and went through Discovery, part of which was a Work Experience. Jason was then hired by the employer full-time as an Administrative Assistant with full benefits!


Members, If you have a great success story to share, please email your story to ! We want to celebrate success !