Last Blast of Summer

Summer is just about over and the start of the school year is upon us. This final “blast of summer edition” of Transition Trends will focus on the new Department of Education graduation requirements officially going into effect this year for the class of 2023. In December, 2017, the State Board of Education adopted these new graduation pathway policies. They are officially in effect now, though schools were free to opt in early if they wished.

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Transition TrendsINAPSE
2nd Quarter Spotlight Award Winner

Congratulations to Matt Brookshire, our Spotlight Award winner.

This award honors an employment support staff who goes above and beyond for individuals every day!

Matt, Employment Consultant, at LifeDesigns, Inc., exemplifies the best qualities of being an employment support staff and has been an Employment Consultant for over 20 years supporting individuals with disabilities seeking employment. read more…

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July '19 Transition Tips and Tools

The Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment First introduces a new tool for professionals and families engaged in Pre-Employment Transition Services, a mandate from the most recent Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) legislation. This federal law strengthens the partnership between schools and vocational rehabilitation (VR) to promote increased job training and  placement for students. Eligible students have an IEP, a 504 plan or are otherwise “potentially eligible” for VR services. 

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